Professional Liability Insurance for Westminster Group members
Westminster Group coaches are pleased to provide members and alumni with access to competitively priced professional liability insurance. To learn more about Westminster Group and become a member, Click Here
In Canada this insurance is achieved by virtue of a Master Policy issued to Westminster Group, Inc. (a social network of like-minded professional practitioners) and therefore all members of Westminster Group automatically qualify for this insurance.
Insurance is also available to members residing in the USA and the United Kingdom. Select your country to be redirected.
What is Professional Liability insurance?
Professional Liability is also known as Errors and Omissions, Malpractice or Professional Indemnity. It protects professional practitioners against the cost implications of negligence, errors and omissions and malpractice claims by their patients/clients. Such a claim may be the result of a patient's/client's claim you did not do something you should have, or did do something you should not have, in the course of your professional practice. It may be a breach of contract claim concerning the services you were contracted to provide.
- Underwritten by an A+ rated insurer
- Very competitively priced
- Fully on-line process from quote to coverage
- Many additional modalities can be added (most at no extra charge)– VIEW LIST
- Legal Defense costs are included in the coverage.
Fully automatic - quote to coverage
Your coverage can be in place the moment you have paid the premium.
Once payment is confirmed your Evidence of Insurance is delivered to you by email as a pdf document ready for you to save and print
This program is managed by and the regulatory responsibility for this program is accepted by Assurance Bourgon Inc on behalf of Westminster Group

1710 rue Chateauguay
Huntingdon, Quebec J0S 1H0
Phone: 450-264-6166
Fax: 450-264-4632